
Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

The stomach is divided into four sections, each of which has different cells and functions

The stomach is divided into four sections, each of which has different cells and functions.

The sections are:  
  1. Cardiac region, where the contents of the esophagus empty into the stomach, 
  2.  Fundus, formed by the upper curvature of the organ, 
  3.  Body, the main central region, and 
  4.  Pylorus or atrium, the lower section of the organ that facilitates emptying the contents into the small intestine.                                           
Two smooth muscle valves, or sphincters, keep the contents of the stomach contained.

They are the: 
  1. Cardiac or esophageal sphincter, dividing the tract above, and 
  2. Pyloric sphincter, dividing the stomach from the small intestine. After receiving the bolus (chewed food) the process of peristalsis is started

mixed and churned with gastric juices the bolus is transformed into a semi-liquid substance called chyme. Stomach muscles mix up the food with enzymes and acids to make smaller digestible pieces. The pyloric sphincter, a walnut shaped muscular tube at the stomach outlet, keeps chyme in the stomach until it reaches the right consistency to pass into the small intestine. The food leaves the stomach in small squirts rather than all at once.

Water, alcohol, salt, and simple sugars can be absorbed directly through the stomach wall. However, most substances in our food need a little more digestion and must travel into the intestines before they can be absorbed. When the stomach is empty it is about the size of one fifth of a cup of fluid. When stretched and expanded, it can hold up to eight cups of food after a big meal.

Sumber : Bpk. Dr. Iskandar Zulkarnain

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    ahmad baihaqi
    NIM 1112503964

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